Every marketing manager knows that utilizing SEO is one of the best ways to drive traffic. That’s why it is so important for you and your marketing team to take the time to optimize your SEO efforts. Use these steps to get your team started with SEO or to get your SEO efforts to perform better than ever!

Before we jump into how to update your SEO, let’s make sure we know what SEO is and how it enhances your marketing efforts. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a proven effective method for growing your websites visibility in search engines. You gain visibility by ranking higher within the search results page.

Now on to our three steps:

1) Research

Your first step for most marketing campaigns or projects should be research. As a marketing manager, you need to know the best way to target your audience and the only way to achieve that is through extensive research.

This research should help to inform you and your team on which keywords to use.

2) Use Keywords

Your next step should be to utilize the keyword research you’ve done. Implement these keywords in your website, blogs, and other content that supplements your website. That way your content is making it into relevant searches.

You’ll want to use these keywords in a way that still sounds natural, but frequently enough that the search engine picks up on it.

3) Analytics with a Digital Marketing Dashboard

The third step to take is to analyze your data. Use a digital marketing dashboard, like Optix, to get the full picture of your data.

Watching your data on a regular basis for fluctuation helps you easily identify what needs to be tweaked in your SEO marketing strategy. When your marketing strategy reflects the changes you see in your analytics, you are making it easier for potential customers to find your product or business.

With Optix, you can view all your analytics in a single digital marketing dashboard. You no longer need to switch from site to site to site pulling data for a cohesive report. Optix has it all your data at your fingertips and presented in a way that’s easy to read and easy to share with your team or for reporting. Click here to learn more about Optix or to start your free 30-day trial today. www.optix.ai