In order to optimize the user journey, you need visibility into all of your user journey metrics. Many disparate reporting tools pose a challenge. Often, the data is incompatible. Using Optix to aggregate your data and create intuitive dashboards can help you optimize more effectively.

Many marketers are familiar with what the user journey is, but they don’t know how to track it properly. In order to optimize the user journey and make effective changes that increase revenue, you must have clear visibility into all of your user journey metrics.

The user journey can take place on a single website page, as readers move down the page through awareness, consideration, and decision user journey stages. Or, it can take place across entire marketing campaigns. The most effective way to market is to create a user journey across multiple channels, including ads, organic search, social media, email marketing, and the UI/UX on your website.

However, you need a way to track the user journey in order to optimize it for best results. That’s where a marketing reporting tool comes in. Whether you’re a seasoned user journey expert or new to this type of marketing, here are four tips you can implement today.’

1. Tailor User Journeys To Polished Marketing Personas

While no two customers are the same, your product or service is likely to appeal to certain types of customers known as personas.

You should create separate campaigns for each marketing persona so that your user journey is individualized toward them. Creating user journeys for a generic customer is possible, but your results will be better if you target your personas.

Start by picking one or two marketing personas and getting a sense as to what problems they face, what kind of language appeals to them, and how your solution would offer value to them. Then, create separate user journeys from awareness to decision with messaging that resonates

2. Create A Killer Content Strategy

You can map out your campaigns by creating a content strategy document. For each user journey stage, detail what questions the user has. Then, create topics for content that match the user’s needs at each stage.

You will need emails, ads, highly-ranked results on search engines, or social media posts to draw users into your website. Blogs are good for educating prospects when they’re still in the awareness stage. Whitepapers and assessments help guide users through the consideration stage. And case studies or consultation offers help users make a decision.

However, these are just basic guidelines. Sometimes, a blog may be targeted to users in the decision user journey stage. Vice versa, a case study could resonate with a user in the awareness stage. The most important thing to remember is to meet users where they are with content that matches the questions and problems they have.

3. Measure And Optimize Based On KPIs

Once you start collecting data on your user journey, it’s tempting to make sweeping improvements. Yes, you want to optimize your journey overall, but it will be difficult to track what changes were effective and which ones weren’t unless you test changes one at a time.

It’s best to start by picking the low-hanging fruit. For example, if you see a web page is getting a lot of traffic but few conversions, identify where users are dropping off. Then, optimize the copy or design in that section only to keep prospects moving toward the bottom of the page where your conversion point most often is.

Keep a record of what your metrics were before you optimized and what they are afterwards. A user journey tool can do this for you and show you comparison charts so you can measure how effective your changes are.

A tool like Optix can help you optimize your user journey by letting you know exactly where on your website abandonment takes place. You can pinpoint what content needs adjustment so that you can funnel more users through the sales process. This leads to increased conversions, leads, and sales.

4. Aggregate Your Metrics To See A Crystal-Clear Picture

It’s challenging to see the user journey clearly when you use many disparate reporting tools. Often, the data is incompatible. No other marketing reporting tool allows you to create such insightful dashboards automatically. Using a user journey tool like Optix to aggregate your data and create intuitive dashboards can help you optimize more effectively. To learn more about Optix, visit