A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Advanced Table – A visual type; Used to list metrics side-by-side to truly measure the impact on your business. [Support Article]
Agency Markup – A type of management fee that is charged by an advertising agency in addition to the cost of external services that it buys on behalf of a client. [Support Article]
Annotations – Annotations with scheduled snapshots will give you periodic notes pertaining to the reported data. Annotations can be short, static text visuals that can be placed side-by-side with the visual its content pertains to. By adding annotations, you are drawing direct correlation between the work you’re doing and the results you are seeing in the data. [Support Article]
API Error – An API error means that the integration is throwing an error on their end. You may have reached your query rate limit, or it can also be due to the integration’s API being temporarily inaccessible for reasons outside of Optix control. [Support Article]
Area Chart – A visual type; Used to give a more in-depth view of the trend, projection, average, and growth of a metric over time. [Support Article]
Authorization – An authorization is your account for a particular integration. It generally requires your credentials (email, ID, password, etc.), in order for Optix to import the data. For example, our Google Ads and Google Analytics integrations will ask for your Google Account credentials, and Facebook Ads or Facebook Insights will ask for your Facebook Account credentials. [Support Article]
Authorization Error – An authorization error means that there’s a problem with this integration’s authorization in Optix. This issue can either be caused by an expired access token, an incorrect password, or invalid credentials. [Support Article]
Automatic Report Dispatch – Sending out reports of a storyboard by a set period via email. [Support Article]
Bar/column Chart – A visual type; Used to show comparison between values. [Support Article]
Board icon – A board icon is a small visual that you can add (useful next to section headers). [Support Article]
Bubble Chart – A visual type; Used to compare two different metrics (combination of the line graph and bar graph). [Support Article]
Client Account – an account for which the Firm provides services, including investment advice and investment decisions. [Support Article]
Cloning – The process of duplicating a storyboard. [Support Article]
Color Pallet – The Storyboard Color Pallet tool gives you access to a more selective set of color palettes to implement in your story board. There are currently 25 different color palettes to choose from. [Support Article]
Comparison Storyboard – A storyboard that is designed to create a storyboard with a custom date range, in order to track the performance of an advertising campaign, for example. It also allows you to compare your current campaign to a previous one. Take a look here for more information. [Support Article]
CSV File – These files are used if you are looking to create a storyboard from your own custom dataset. These files do not have to be linked to any integration-related account and can be customized to your personal liking. [Support Article]
Custom metric – A metric that is defined by the end-user; most commonly used in CSV file integrations. [Support Article]
Custom Storyboard – A storyboard type that has no date restrictions. This storyboard is very useful for a overview of your dataset. [Support Article]
Custom Visuals – Custom visuals give you the liberty to choose pretty much everything! These visuals can be entirely customized: the chart type, metrics, group-bys, and filters… you control exactly what data is displayed, and how! [Support Article]
Data Discrepancy – Differences between the data you’re seeing in Optix vs the data you’re seeing in the Data Source’s UI (i.e., in your Google Analytics Account, HubSpot Account, etc.) [Support Article]
Data Source – The data source is the tiniest piece of information we’re able to access once you’ve connected an integration to Optix. The data source allows us to get those big numbers to show in your visuals. You can connect multiple data sources in the same storyboard; however, depending on the integration you use, data sources will have different names, such as “accounts”, “views”, “pages”, or “websites”. [Support Article]
Data Set – A filtering section in the storyboard manager; choose to view your storyboards by one of the many integration types that Optix supports. [Support Article]
Data Syncing – Periodically and consistently refreshing your data so that you are reporting on the most up-to-date data provided. [Support Article]
Date Range – The period of time that data is displayed for. Pre-defined Date Ranges like “Month to Date,” “Last 30 Days,” and “This Quarter” are currently available in Databox. We are in the process of developing a custom Date Range functionality that will allow you to select the start and end dates for a Date Range. [Support Article]
Dimension – Visuals that need dimensions generally split the measure of a metric into the groups that contribute to this metric. There are several visual types that use dimensions. [Support Article]
Donut Chart – A visual type; Used to show a simple metric/measure or to draw attention to one key number. [Support Article]
Drag-and-Drop – The function of moving around your visuals in the storyboard editor. [Support Article]
Dual Y Combo Chart – A visual type; Used to compare multiple different metrics (combination of the line and bar graph) [Support Article]
Embed – HTML code that allows you to share and publish live dashboards on any web page, blog post, wiki page, web application, or intranet portal. [Support Article]
Font – The Storyboard Fonts tool give you access to 15 different font styles. [Support Article]
Funnel Chart – A visual type; Used to compare two different metrics (combination of the line graph and bar graph). [Support Article]
Gauges – A visual type; Used to show the advancement of sales and marketing activities/metrics as compared to the goal or max value. [Support Article]
Geo-mapping – A visual type; Used to show the advancement of sales and marketing activities/metrics as compared to the goal or max value. [Support Article]
Goals – Numerical targets set for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly Date Ranges. [Support Article]
Graphical Visual – If you were to set a line graph for the amount of total like you received on your facebook pages account, you will see a line that represents your chosen period, and a line that represents the comparison period. These two lines are used to compare one another. The “campaignLine” visual is Optix’s graphical visual for the comparison storyboard editor. [Support Article]
Grouping – the function of grouping your data by integration-respective dimensions. [Support Article]
Headline – A visual type; Used to show a simple metric/measure or to draw attention to one key number. [Support Article]
Heat Map – A visual type; Used to visually represent days that activity is exceptionally high or low. [Support Article]
Integration – An integration is a software, a platform, or an 3rd party application that provides you with data. For example, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Hubspot Marketing are some of our integrations. Have a look at our website to see all the integrations we offer! [Support Article]
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) – a quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of an organization, employee, etc. in meeting objectives for performance. [Support Article]
Last Updated – Refers to the last time the Storyboard was updated. “Updates” include data syncs and edits to the Optix made in the Storyboard Editor. [Support Article]
Leaderboard – A visual type; Used to rank your team’s activities such as who closed the biggest deal, what’s your best-selling product or who from your support team helped the most users.
Line chart – A visual type; Used to give a more in-depth view of the trend, projection, average, and growth of a metric over time. [Support Article]
List Table – A visual type; Used to show and compare values for the same metric for different date ranges on one visual. [Support Article]
Listings Visual – You can also compare periods by listing out the metrics and dimensions just as any other grouped list. The formatting will look the same but receive the same treatment as the headline visual: The visual will not only show the metrics for that period, but will show a percentage increase or decrease from the comparison period as well as the previous metrics. The “List” visual is Optix’s graphical visual for the comparison storyboard editor. [Support Article]
Metric – Quantitative measurements of performance. Every Metric must be associated with a numerical value. [Support Article]
Multi-tabbed chart – A visual type; Used to display multiple line and bar charts in one visual. [Support Article]
Notifications – Time-based and performance-based messages sent out via email to help you stay up-to-date on your data. Notifications include may include, scheduled snapshots. [Support Article]
Numerical Visual – You can simply use a headline visual to see the total amount of like on your Facebook Pages account for your set period. The visual will not only show the total likes for that period, but will show a percentage increase or decrease from the comparison period as well as the previous total number of likes. The “Headline” visual is Optix’s graphical visual for the comparison storyboard editor. [Support Article]
Overlapping bar/column chart – A visual type; Used to show comparisons between values. [Support Article]
Pareto Chart – A visual type; Used to track the stages potential customers travel through to eventually become a customer. [Support Article]
Password-Protection – The optix-provided function of protecting your sharable links to your storyboard via a custom password generated by you. [Support Article]
Periodic Storyboard – A storyboard that is is used to create reports for a calendar period, be it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. It also allows you to browse through past periods, and is easily printable for record keeping. Here’s more information on this type of dashboard. [Support Article]
Periodic Report – A report pertaining to the periodic storyboard, often times set in a period. Periodic storyboards are used to create reports for a calendar period, be it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. It also allows you to browse through past periods, and is easily printable for record keeping. [Support Article]
Pie Chart – A visual type; Used to illustrate numerical proportions through the size of the slices. [Support Article]
Pipeline Chart – A visual type; Used to show the evolution of lead generation through the connection of marketing and sales data. [Support Article]
Refresh – Refreshing data because of inactivity or other issues with your data integration. [Support Article]
Rolling List Table – A visual type; Used to show and compare values for the same metric for different date ranges on one visual. [Support Article]
Rolling Storyboard – A storyboard that measures your performance over a particular time period, and each time period includes three specific date ranges. All three of these date ranges are displayed in your widgets so you can follow your performance over time. For example your dashboard could be for a medium time frame, and will display your data for the previous 7, 15 and 30 days. Here are a few more details. [Support Article]
Scatter Chart – A visual type; Used to show comparisons between values. [Support Article]
Section Header – The Section Heading acts as a good divider within your storyboard; it acts as a sub header for your storyboard. [Support Article]
Service Plan – The type of plan that an Optix subscriber chooses. There are multiple plans to meet the needs of all Optix users. [Support Article]
Single Y Combo – A visual type; Used to compare two different metrics (combination of the area, bar, and line graphs). [Support Article]
Snapshots – snapshots allow you to share your Storyboards as often as you prefer. This will serve you and your agency as a database of periodic reports. [Support Article]
Social-Signup – The Optix-provide functionality of logging into an Optix account using either your Facebook or Google accounts. [Support Article]
Source Error – A source error means that there’s a problem with one of this integration’s data sources. This issue is usually caused by having lost your permissions to view a particular page, property, or ad account (depending on integration). In some cases, this issue can also happen when your account has been suspended by the platform for payment or security reasons, or when it has been wrongly set up. [Support Article]
Static Content (Text & Images) – A visual type; Used to display comments or add additional information to a storyboard. [Support Article]
Static Visuals – Static visuals allow you to add other useful information, such as comments, text, web content, or section headers with which to divide your storyboard into sections (like social media, SEO, PPC). [Support Article]
Storyboard – With Optix, a storyboard is a way to visualize your data; it’s how you present your marketing KPIs to your client or boss. In other words, it is an automated marketing report. [Support Article]
Storyboard Manager – The initial window after logging in to Optix; this window is where you can create, remove, and manage storyboards. [Support Article]
Table Chart – A visual type; Used to list metrics by order of importance, ranking, etc. for a clear view and comparisons of metrics. [Support Article]
Tags – An organizational tool in Optix that can be used to differentiate between Metrics, Storyboards, Goals, Custom & Calculated Metrics, and Clients. [Support Article]
Template – A template is basically a blueprint or pre-configured storyboard that you can use over and over again with different data but with the same basic layout. When you create a template from an existing storyboard, the template will preserve the same types, parameters, and layout of all your visuals without carry over the underlying data or content. [Support Article]
Template Library – A library with a range of pre-configured templates available to you as an Optix user. [Support Article]
Text content – The text content lets you write out text. This is useful for annotating your storyboards. [Support Article]
Theme – The Storyboard Theme tool is full of presets of color palettes and fonts that add a visual appeal to your storyboard. Optix has ten preset themes for you to chose from, but if none of them appeal to your interests, you can use your own combination of color palettes and fonts! [Support Article]
Time-series Chart – A visual type; Used to compare numbers side by side (more advanced version of the Number Visual). [Support Article]
Trending Headline – A visual type; Used to show the trend of a simple metric/measure or to draw attention to one key number over time. [Support Article]
Type – A filtering section in the storyboard manager; choose between viewing by the type of storyboard: periodic, comparison, rolling, custom or all. [Support Article]
Users – People who have access to the Optix Account. An email address can only be associated with 1 user in Optix, but variations of the same email address are accepted. [Support Article]
Viewing – A filtering section in the storyboard manager; choose between viewing by folder, shared by others or all. [Support Article]
Visual Error – A visual error means that your visual isn’t able to request the data you’re looking for. This type of error usually stems from an incompatibility between your visual’s metrics, dimensions, and/or filters. It can also be due to an invalid filter. [Support Article]
Visual Library – The Visual Library provides the most commonly used metrics and/or KPIs for each respective integration that our experts have pre-created for you saving your precious time and energy! [Support Article]
Web Content – A visual type; Used to display comments or add additional information to a Storyboard. [Support Article]